If you did the exercise on “What kind of learner are you?” you may have discovered that you are an auditory learner. If you noticed the hum of boats, the clunk of chairs, the roar of the ocean, the announcers
If you scored high on visual in the previous article’s exercise, then you are a visual learner. You use pictures and sights as your main way of perceiving the world. Artists, photographers, fashion designers, website designers, and interior design people
In previous articles, I have alluded to the idea that we all have our learning style. Some people are more visual learners, others are more auditory, and others are kinesthetic. Visual learners talk fast because they try to describe in
In a previous article, I have written about ways to improve your memory by using specific skills. You have learned the car method, the peg method, and mapping. You have learned how to use your imagination and create your own
Having memorized the days of the week that all dates occurred since 1966, I discovered I could use each date as a point of reference for the events that occurred on that date. I now have more than 19,000 squares in
This article is a review and an expansion of all the systems we have learned so far. I will take new information, and you can try it with the different systems.
Let’s use a famous quote with a lot of
When you were in school, did you ever use outlines? Of course, you did. You listed the main points of your subject with the capital letters. Then if you had sub-points, you listed them under the main heading using numbers.
If you recall how to make pictures and associate them with your information, you can use this to remember vocabulary. This works and teaches you how to learn a language.
Remembering objects is simple. You just create a picture that
Have you ever wondered why hyphens separate numbers? For example, telephone numbers are separated by hyphens. Where they are separated depends on where you live. For example, in the United States, you have a three-digit area code and a hyphen. Then a
Neuro Skillz is proud to introduce our biggest contributing authors, Frank Healy.
Frank Healy is a 55 year old man from New Jersey who remembers every day of his life since he was five years old. He remembers the day